Monday, September 7, 2009

Skinhead WIP XV

Re-attaching the sideplates.
Stole a trick from real welders and reinforced the joints with some crossmembers.
Plasticard never seems to stick as well, so I figured Nitto platic sticks best to Nitto plastic.

This will be filled in from behind to create the base for the putty.
I'll be fiddling with the way the hip plate hinges fix into the bodywork, or changing them maybe.

I think after making quite a few OOTB models I was starting to get bored with Ma.K.
This build has re-ignited the flames somewhat :D


  1. This is logical, do you get brush fuzz growing after you have dipped your brush into plastic weld? I get it often but only with certain plastic types. Plastruct is one such medium that causes this and it can get annoying as it absorbs the spirit before you get a chance to apply it to a join:O(

  2. Can't say I've come across that Ian.
    I only use Revell gloop out of a tube or superglue.
    I've just noticed that plasticard seems very easy to pull off if you use it with poly cement, even if you sand the surface.
    I mean it glues/reacts but not very well.
    Like you say maybe an absorbtion issue. :( I normally end up using superglue and poly together to get it to stick with a decent bond.
